Jumat, 26 Agustus 2016

Precious People in My Life


Pray and thank to Allah SWT, who has been giving blessing and mercies so I could finish this research on time without any trouble and obstacles. By the name of the glorious God Allah SWT, I can finish this final assignment to reach college degree in Shariah Faculty of Walisongo State Islamic University Semarang. Moreover, I always convey Sholawat and salam to the last messenger of Allah, prophet Muhammad PBUH, who has guided from the stupidity to the cleverness, from darkness into brightness, from jahiliyah into Islamiyah, namely Islam religion. 
This final assignment entitled THE USAGE OF CLASSICAL AND CONTEMPORARY THEORY OF ISLAMIC ASTRONOMY DEVELOPMENT IN MADRASSA TASYWIQUTH THULLAB SALAFIYAH KUDUS would not be finished on time without the help and encouragement of those who always took their time to help me accomplishing this final task: 

1. My dear parents who always struggle and do their best to support me with everything they can do and they have. 
2. My big family (my grandfather, my grandmother, uncle, aunt, etc) and my beloved sister and brother who always support me in any condition and situation. 
3. My motivator, farid Munawir who always teaches me so many things of life, who always supports and motivates me to finish my thesis.
4. The big family of Madrassa Tasywiquth Thullab Salafiyah Kudus who has been very friendly and helped me for my research, especially for Headmaster of MA KH. Musthofa Ali Imron, Azhar lathif Nashiran, Arif Musta‟in as the deputy of curriculum in Mts TBS, Suwanto as the the deputy of curriculum in MA TBS, Syafi‟i, Maruf Maghfur, and Noor Aflah who always helped me to get information of my interview.
5. Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia, who gave me scholarship for my undergradute progam in Departement of Islamic Astronomy of Walisongo State Islamic University Semarang. 
6. The Dean of Sharia Faculty of UIN Walisongo Semarang Dr. H. Akhmad Arif Junaidi, M. Ag and staffs. 7. The Chief of Islamic Astronomy Departement of UIN Walisongo Semarang Drs. H. Maksun, M. Ag and Ahmad Syifa‟ul Anam, SHI, MH, previous chief Dr. H. Mohamad Arja Imroni, M. Ag, for the guidance and advice during my study in Departement of Islamic Astronomy. 
8. All the lecturers of Shariah Faculty who taught me everything in Islamic law especially about Islamic Astronomy as my main major. 
9. Drs. H. Agus Nurhadi, MA. and Drs. H. Slamet Hambali, MSI as the advisors in writing this thesis, my deepest grateful for the guidance and advice to help this thesis writing process. 
10. The big family of Islamic Boarding School Al-Firdaus Ngaliyan Semarang, especially for Drs. KH. Ahmad Ali Munir and family, KH. Mashuri and family, Drs. Zaenal Arifin al-Hafiz, Ust. Muktasit, Ust. Zumroni, Ust. Amir Tajrid, Ust. Saefuddin. 
11. The big family of My beloved Islamic boarding school Al-Hadi, especially for KH. Munhamir Malik, KH. Rif‟an Hawari, Mr. Asfaroni, Mr. Imam muthohar, Mr. Cakra, Mr. Dzikron najib, Mr. Syamsul as my senior. 
12. The big family of CSS MoRA UIN Walisongo. 
13. My big family of Forever ( Hadi, Ouval, Syarif, Sholah, Ka Andi, mbak Anik, teteh Dede, Evi, Erik, Ka Fatih, My mom Fidnur, Firdos, mbak Hanik, ichan, Ayin, Lisa, Ijun, Ma‟ruf, Bro Najib, Bapak Sofyan, My colleague and enemy Shobar, Mas Din, Nyi Sodiq, Nurul, Wandi, sayang Zabid, Ndut Dessy, Laili, Mulki and Rif‟an), who have given me a precious memory, a wonderful experience, a warmth of togetherness, and an unforgetable happiness and sadness. 
14. Almarhumah Nafidatus Syafaah, who was my best friend ever, good motivator and great advisor. Thanks for teaching me the meaning of friendship and the meaning of love. All pray for you, may you get the best place in Allah‟s side. I love you and always will. 
15. The big family of Quick Chicken Ngaliyan, who gave me oportunity for three months to work with you, it was my great experience as a chasier and a cook. 
16. My big family of Idiot Group (Ika, Hajri, Aan, Farid, Aziz, Siroj), for togetherness, craziness, accompanying when I was confused about my thesis. Thanks for being nice friend for me. 
17. For my best friend (Cintrong Tika, Wahyu, Bon Lukman, Mbah Joko, Farida sayang, lek Kamal, Nisak, Andi RS, and lek Fajar), for being nice part of my life, for supporting and accompanying me with togetherness and craziness. 
18. For my teacher Mr. Riko, who corrected my thesis and taught me the lesson of grammar. 
19. Last, I really thank to people who have helped and supported me.

Semarang, June 12, 2015 
The Writer,

The usage of classical and contemporary theory of Islamic Astronomy development in Madrassa Tasywiquth Thullab Salafiyah Kudus

The usage of classical and contemporary theory of Islamic astronomy development in Madrassa Tasywiquth Thullab Salafiyah was the most interesting study among all the studies of Islamic astronomy in Indonesia. The reason was that Madrassa Tasywiquth Thullab Salafiyah had studied Islamic astronomy in the beginning of its establishment, that was in 1929 AD and it still exists until today. They had comitment on Islamic astronomy. They used classical theory and also used contemporary theory in study Islamic astronomy. The development Islamic astronomy in Madrassa Tasywiquth Thullab Salafiyah was inheritance, from first generation to the next generation. The writer took two statements of problems in this research, those were (1) Why did Madrassa Tasywiquth Thullab Salafiyah Kudus use both of classical and contemporary theory in Islamic astronomy development and (2) How did the Islamic astronomers of Madrassa Tasywiquth Thullab Salafiyah Kudus use both of classical and contemporary theory in Islamic astronomy development. The category of this research was a qualitative research. The main source and the data input of this research was taken from the people involved directly in the observed activity, so this research was also called field research, which had two data source types (primary data source and secondary data source). The primary data source of this research was interview results with some key persons such as teachers, deputy of curriculum, and also institution coordinator of Islamic astronomy development in TBS. The secondary data sources of this research were books, newspapers, magazines, articles related to this research. Next, these data were analyzed by descriptive analysis method. The results of this research were, (1) Madrassa Tasywiquth Thullab Salafiyah Kudus used classical and contemporary theory as a form of survival. It meant that they still maintained the classic theories. Nowadays the era goes to be more modern and more sophisticated, Madrassa Tasywiquth Thullab Salafiyah Kudus still used and learned the classical theory. It also could be a form of revival, that Madrassa Tasywiquth Thullab Salafiyah Kudus did the newness of the theory which was in line with the todays development, by using contemporary theory. (2) Islamic astronomers in Madrassa Tasywiquth Thullab Salafiyah Kudus used classical and contemporary theory for theoritical purpose, that was for the importance to get calculation that was closer to the truth, but still used classical theory as a form of preservation to classic books. Therefore it could be known the similarity and difference of the calculation and gained the knowledge and also for religious purpose. In this case, Madrassa Tasywiquth Thullab Salafiyah Kudus issued calender annually and leaflet of Imsak and prayer times every Ramadhan month. This case was absolutely related to religious purpose, so that it could be steadily in implementation of worship. 

Key Word : Islamic astronomy, classical theory, contemporary theory

Rabu, 07 Januari 2015

Lagu Paling Menyentuh Hati Untuk IBU dan AYAH

Anda adalah anak dari pasangan orang tua ayah dan ibu?? Pasti lah. Anda menyanyangi mereka? Mencintai mereka? Ingin membahagiakan mereka?? Tentu saja hal tersebut merupakan impian setiap anak. Anda rela melakukan apapun untuk melihat mereka tersenyum? Anda ingin membahagiakan mereka? Tentu saja.. Mereka tak akan bisa tergantikan oleh apapun di dunia.


Seperti yang telah kita ketahui di Indonesia adalah negara yang tidak bisa dipisahkan dengan adanya perbedaan. Di Indonesia terkenal dengan berbagai perbedaan, mulai dari suku, bahasa, tradisi, kebudayaan, maupun agama. Namun dengan adanya perbedaan ini bukan berarti Indonesia akan berpecah belah, namun perbedaan  itulah yang akan mewarnai keberagaman di bumi di Indonesia.


Sebagai umat Islam yang berpendidikan kita tentunya akan   melakukan segala bentuk peribadahan dengan sebenar-benarnya. Begitu banyak macam peribadahan yang dilaksanakan umat Islam. Salah satunya adalah sholat yang merupakan salah satu dari rukun Islam dan menjadi kewajiban kita. 
Jika kita menelisik mengenai sholat, maka banyak hal yang perlu dikaji. Mulai dari tata cara sholat, waktu untuk sholat, serta arah yang dituju dalam melakukan sholat. Tentunya menghadap arah kiblat merupakan salah satu syarat sahnya sholat.  

Sepuluh Orang Tercantik di Negeri Indonesia

Cantiik.....??? Semua wanita pasti ingin kata tersebut bisa disandangnya. Entah itu cantik dari inner beauty maupun dari segi inter beauty. Well ladies, tapi siapa yang menyangka cantik dan unik. Mungkin itulah yang semakin membuat anda menjadi penasaran kan.
Baiklah, bukan masalah cantik, karena kata orang cantik atau tidaknya orang itu relatif tergantung bagaimana orang itu memandangnya.

Selasa, 06 Januari 2015

Yel-yel paling gokil, paling asyik, dan paling kompak FOREVER (makrab pada tahun 2012)

Formasi forever jrenggg
jreenggg josss
1 langkah ke depan   jreng
2 langkah ke depan  jreng jrengg
1, 2 , dan 3  jreng jrengg jrenggg
forever, forever, forever go....

di suruh bikin yel2...katanya2
asal2 liriknya.., katanya2
inilah yel2 kami....wouw wouw
silahkan didengarkan